What Does “Success” Look Like?

When I asked my quasi-editing team their initial thoughts before posting my video last week, I received some well-intended feedback that my content was awesome but I didn’t necessarily look like someone who was “successful” and I may want to change my background and wear something that was more “professional”.


On one hand, I got it. I was wearing a casual hiking fleece, sitting cross-legged on a couch with a mismatched blanket in the background.


First impressions matter. Looks matter. Whether we want them to or not.


On the other hand, I felt self-assured. “But this is me. The right people have and will gravitate towards me because I’m authentically expressing myself in my ‘natural habitat’”. I went with my gut and posted the video.


Now, a week later, I’m still thinking about the feedback because I believe a larger issue may be at play.


Is our vision of “success” outdated? I can’t help but consider the irony that I actually feel 100x more successful now than I did 3 years ago when I dressed “professionally” for my “successful” corporate job.


I’d like to make the case that “success” has no look. Success is an attitude. Success is how we feel about ourselves and how we treat others. Success is doing what matters to us.


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