How and why you’re passionate is important to happiness

The Officevibe Content Team looked at why passion in work is important, how to tell who has that passion, and how to continue that passion. 

According to Officevibe, passion is important in the workplace because it means long-term happiness. Where engagement is a simple boost in performance, passion is more deeply rooted and will be sustained through more changes within the company. This leads to better results in the company overall because happier employees mean better performance.

Officevibe defines a passionate worker as one who is proactive and goes out of their way to look for solutions. A passionate worker is also one who is looking to grow in their field, an employee who wants to become a manager or learn more about the field tends to be more passionate about their field. Finally, an employee trying to help others in their field learn more and become more passionate about the work is most likely passionate themselves.

Officevibe recommends connecting with your employees and encouraging them to work on side projects that they are passionate about.  Within the business, it's important to find common goals for all employees and create a growth mindset within the company so that employees are encouraged to learn more in the company and find aspects of the role that they are passionate about.

This article very nicely breaks down why passion is important and how to encourage passionate workers to help the company succeed. A happier employee means that they will have a better performance at work and the company will overall do better, so find what you’re passionate about to live a better life.

Written by: Bryn Garick

Source: Officevibe Content Team. (n.d.). Passion at work: How to be the spark your team needs. March 27, 2017. Retrieved September 15, 2022, from


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