How Do I Move Into a New Career Field Without Any Prior Experience?

1. Trust the process.

We are all on our own journey and there is no one “right” way to build a career. With that said, it is easier to question your path and take risks in your 20s than it is in your 50s. Trust that when you follow what truly interests you and make commitments to that path, you will find more satisfaction in the long-term. It will require patience on your part, but keep in mind that you are taking one step back in order to take five steps forward.

2. Know what you bring to the table.

Just because you may be lacking technical skills for your new field of interest doesn’t mean you have to start at square one. Instead of your resume, consider how your natural strengths and personality can be an asset. Consider the transferable skills you have already built as a professional in the working world. 

3. Educate yourself.

Find ways to learn about your new field and build the skills needed to transition there. Read books and articles, talk to people who already work in your field of interest, and/or take classes that will help you build your knowledge base. 

4. Be willing to get experience before getting paid.

Tap into your network and see who you can connect with that works in your field of interest. Ask if you can shadow them or offer to volunteer your time in a way that would be beneficial to them. Showing you are 100% committed to the process goes a longer way than a few “prerequisite” skills. It’s easier to train new skills than it is to train character.


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