Passion as an acronym not a noun
Nancy Collamer explains that looking for passion and purpose in the workplace can often prove to be a difficult and frustrating task. However, as she points out, it might be better to not focus on passion as a singular idea, but as an acronym: P. A. S. S. I. O. N.
According to Collamer:
P stands for people. It’s the idea of who you want to surround yourself with at work.
A stands for activities. Collamer explains that it’s following what you enjoy doing. What activities do you find most meaningful and rewarding to complete?
S stands for skills and strengths. It’s the idea of following not only what you do well, but what you enjoy doing and what skills you use that you enjoy employing.
S stands for settings. Collamer defines it as which environment you want to work in. For example, if you enjoy working remotely or in a more laid-back office or if you would prefer working a strict 9-5 in a cubicle. It’s important where you work and feel most comfortable.
I stands for interests. It’s what you enjoy learning about or exploring, whether that be art or engineering. You have to be interested in the thing that you do for a career to stay fulfilled.
O stands for opportunities. What opportunities are there for someone with your skills? How can you use your skills to open doors and explore different career paths? To earn a livable wage and have a rewarding career, there must be an opportunity for you to work.
N stands for what needs are there in the field you are looking at. Is there a lack of good communicators in your field? Combining your skills and interests with the needs of your community will be a rewarding opportunity for you.
Collamer’s suggestion to look at passion as an acronym to find where your skills and interests best align is very interesting because I think it helps to break down every part of skill and purpose and interest to find something that really makes you feel fulfilled.
Written by: Bryn Garick
Source: Collamer, N. (2019, February 5). Finding passion and purpose through work. Forbes. Retrieved August 31, 2022, from