Equation for employers to determine passion

Robert Rota breaks down how the most high-impact employees are the ones who are driven by passion.  Rota created an equation to measure someone’s passion in the workplace.

Motivation + Interest + Ability = Level of Passion (M+I+A=P)

Rota explains how passion-filled workers are what separates people from having the qualifications of a job versus actually caring about a job.

Rota explains how to listen to the success and passion in their stories, that if someone is passionate about a job, it will show. To look for someone's motivation, see what their underlying goal is within the job. Do they want to make a change or experience career growth? Or are they just doing it because they need to?  To look for someone's interest, listen to their stories and how aspects of the job have been involved. Someone interested in the job will be able to clearly explain how the job matches their short-term and long-term goals.  Rota explains that ability is not only having the minimum qualifications for the job but also being interested in learning and growing their abilities within the job.  This shows that their ability is willing to change to what the job needs after they've already met the basic qualifications.

Rota explains how looking for these three aspects of a person: motivation, interest, and ability, can help to determine how passionate they are able the job and in turn can help employers to ensure hiring high-impact employees.

Written by: Bryn Garick

Source: Rota, R. (2019, December 17). How do you measure passion? LinkedIn. Retrieved August 8, 2022, from https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/passion-creates-impact-robert-rota/#share-modal


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